Friday, May 8, 2020

Ethical Investing

If one doesn't agree with the line of business, should one invest in it? There can be many arguments for and against ethical investing.

For example, I don't agree with treating schools and hospitals as "business". In my opinion, these are fundamental rights of a citizen. So, no investing in ,say, apollo hospitals.

However, I don't mind investing in cigarette or alcohol. I don't want anyone to smoke cigarette or drink alcohol but betting that the business would do better is a different thing. Consider the medical profession. Obviously, doctors want to treat people which is good. Have they ever considered the profession risky? No because they are pretty confident that there won't be dearth of sick people. I find doctor's position similar to mine. Doctors don't wish anyone to be sick but would definitely hope they are enough sick people to pay their monthly bills.

In conclusion, it is not as black and white as one might imagine. What is ethically acceptable will vary from person to person and from case to case.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Home sweet home

Thanks to my son's curriculum, I keep getting chances to dabble with poetry. Here's about home.

Often I think of a beautiful town
    that is seated by the sea
in thought it goes up and down
    never satisfies the inner me
shadowy lines of the trees
    steady influx of bustling bees
impressions my boyish imagination catch
    fails before my home to match

Friday, November 8, 2019

Injuries and Fundamentals

Sports is a microcosm of life. It has been more than a month since I sustained ATFL. It is frustrating not to be out there playing and enjoying the sport of football. Even worse, amateur volleyball tournament happened and I couldn't give my best. Just a moment of stupidity from my fellow player cost me more than what I deserve. Sports injuries give you a good life lesson.
In sports, you will be in the game if your warmup, strengthening and preparation are greater than the intensity of your play. Likewise in life, you will be in the game if your earning is greater than your expenditure. Both cases, we don't have an absolute figure as to what should be achieved. Stay above the water level, you will live no matter how deep the water is.
An excellent post about football injury. Do small things right to get big things right.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Contrarian Position

Is it safer to take contrarian position in stock market? In one of the Dilbert comics, the supposed technology prima donna will keep putting down all the ideas. He will justify his tactics thus... People will forget your wrong predictions on things that everyone got right. However, when any of the ideas expected to be right go wrong, you will be remembered as a genius who predicted the right wrong right. When I first heard of holding a contrarian view in the market, I thought on the lines of Dilbert's prima donna. On further reading, I realised that my understanding is incorrect.

In value investing, contrarian position is to pick good stocks that crowd deemed worthless. The success of such a method of investment is glaringly obvious. isn't it? Pick cheaper stocks and reap the benefits when it surpasses everyone's expectation. Is it as simple as it sounds? Definitely no.
The golden standard of stock market investment, Berkshire Hathaway, has utmost one great idea per year (as per Charlie Munger). Now, we must imagine our expected hit rate. Good news is that we don't need many great ideas in our life time. We need to invest a lot of time and patience in identifying rare good stocks and keep faith in them against market noise. If we can do this, we can emerge victorious.

Stock market is often compared to Pari mutuel system. Here is an excellent write-up on it. Given the huge house commission costs of pari mutuel betting system, even with good analysis it is difficult to avoid losses. The only people who successfully beat it are the ones who wait for the mispriced gambles and bet on it. Of course, stock market doesn't have huge transaction costs. Still the lessons from pari-mutuel-system is applicable for stock market.


Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gone with the wind

I came across a news - "Man travelled from France to UK in just 22 minutes, Future is here".
Being in investment game, we would be bombarded with such blown-out-of-proportion positive and negative economic news. It is important to keep a level head and read between the lines. Regarding the news, the man did really travel in hoverboard from Calais,France to Dover, England. But the distance is somewhere under 100km. Don't get me wrong, this is a great achievement and might lead to more innovations in long distance private travel. However, the achievement is blown out of proportion. We can imagine a parallel in economics world. GDP jumped from 7 to 8% etc. It is really important for investors to do proper research and understand the extent of any news being positive or negative. It will serve us well.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Value Investor's CheckList

Deviation from any of the points below means risk of not being a value investor.

1. Focus on company's intrinsic value - what a company is actually worth
2. Define circle of competence and search for ideas only within it
3. Conduct in-depth fundamental research and analysis and not rely on tips
4. Focus on company's business and not on macro-economic forecasts
5. Understand business will have cycles and immediate past performance will not necessarily show the future
6. Be a contrarian in choice after careful analysis
7. Think long term
8. Be patient for the right pitch since great investment ideas are rare
9. Focus on avoiding permanent loss compared to minimising stock price volatility
10. Focus on absolute returns and not on relative performance compared to index or anyone else's portfolio
11. Admit to mistakes and actively seek to learn from them

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Closet Indexing

Closet indexing is a strategy used to describe funds that claim to actively purchase investments but wind up with a portfolio not much different from the benchmark. This essentially means investors are not actively seeking out good stocks. They rather run behind the stocks making the index.

Different drawbacks for different players
1. When a retail investor does closet indexing, he is not doing due diligence in picking stocks.
2. Fund managers are expected to beat or atleast secure draw with the index. If managers are not taking the risk of finding good stocks, they would tow index's line. In such cases, fees that investors pay for the manager becomes unnecessary. Retail investors are better off buying index funds with much lesser fees.
3. Going blindly with stocks representing the index would invariably reinforce the idea that those stocks are good stocks. This positive spiral will bloat the stock prices of the index stocks.

Ethical Investing

If one doesn't agree with the line of business, should one invest in it? There can be many arguments for and against ethical investing....