Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Writing Test - Task 2

Most countries allow 18 year olds to drive a car. Some people say this is a good age to start driving. Other people say that minimum age to drive a car should be at least 25 years. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In recent past, there has been an increase in number of accidents, caused by young drivers. This has shifted the focus of policy makers towards the driving age limit. It is conceivable that 18 years olds are good enough to drive safely but, in my opinion, age limit must be increased from 18 years to 25 years.

It is quite evident from casual observations that the majority of young drivers are college-goers. Most of them have to travel a long distance daily from their homes to colleges. Ability to drive a car on their own give them the freedom from travel worries. It helps them to concentrate on studies. Not only they manage to attend college regularly but also get a sense of responsibility at a young age.

While it is convenient for young students to be a legally licensed driver, it does not translate into convenience for the commuters, in general. A recent study has stated that the traffic in metropolitan has increased by ten-fold and that new car owners of age group, between 18 and 25, are responsible for eighty percent of the increase. Clearly, increasing the age limit will alleviate the traffic problem.

The department of transport safety, in 2001, funded a research on correlation between number of accidents and the driver's age. The research also concluded that the accident rate drops dramatically beyond the age of 25. The city planners are already mulling a band on car owners below 25.

In summary, there are lots of points in favour of increasing the driving age limit to twenty-five and it would be in everybody's interest to do so.

Word count - 271
Grammar & Spelling mistakes - 2

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